All new members and immediate family are invited to attend an orientation that will cover basic functions of the Union. From Organizing, Training, Membership Services and Trust Funds, orientation is meant to be informative and interactive. Often, members who are new to the trade or new to the Carpenters Union have many questions. Questions such as;
- How does the Union contract work?
- What is the function of the Union?
- How does the Union benefit me?
- When do I get my healthcare coverage?
- How do my retirement benefits work?
- How do I obtain work?
- What is the Ready to Work List?
- When do I receive fringe benefits?
- How do I participate in the Union?
- What are my responsibilities as a Union member?
This orientation will alleviate the stress of not knowing the answers and build connections between Members and their Union, providing guidance and clarity as they start their journey as a Union Carpenter.
Some of the subjects to be covered are:
- How we build power as a Union
- Representation on the jobsite
- What work is covered work
- Health Benefits - What are they and how does it work
- Vacation
- Annuity and Retirement
- and much more...